Tagged 'Turn table'


2 votes

I would like to share with you today Superior Turn table script.

Superior Cam Pic

This script will make a turn table camera around the 0 0 0 coordinate. However, it can do more than that. It can take 360 x 90 angles of your model. Very useful for those who wants to render as hemishpere presentation.

It is a straight forward script. Just click from the top to botton, and you will have your camera.

Any questions, feedbacks please post below or email me.

Thank you.

Easy Turntable

7 votes

A quick script to aid in setting up a turntable render for your assets.

Press go.

Set the frame rate

Set the animation length.

The spline rotation allows you to set the start position

Regardless of animation range only performs 360 dgrees of travel

Added Slidertime to 0 on reset