Tagged 'kml'


2 votes

Import and export shapes from and to Google Earth. Use the KML file format to exchange geo-referenced shapes and keep the correct locations on the globe.

Check out the blog for more information. I've also written a tutorial.

import KML path from GoogleEarth

0 votes


I create a script to import KML files from GoogleEarth paths to 3ds MAX splines

- Can chose Close Spline
- Vertex  Type and Segment type

- Now import KML from GoogleEarth and 3d route Builder
- Can chose to close spline

V1.1  Import imagens (kml)  from SASPlanet .

In SASPlanet when  save stick images can save kml  file with same name. The script try to load  imagens with same name (DDS, TGA and PNG)


Install to <MAX folder>Scripts\Startup\importKML

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