Tagged 'lightwave'

miauu's Edge Cutter

79 votes


Version 1.6 - added installator. Now the script is properly installed in OS: Windows VIsta, 7, 8

Version 1.5 - added Compact UI mode - idea by @Silix

Version 1.4 - added support for 3ds max 2012.

Camera I/O

32 votes

Camera Import Export tool. This script makes possible camera transfer between MAYA MAX and LIGHTWAVE.  Suported properties are Position, Orientation, Lens, Render W/H, FilmBack, Aspect ratios. Final result is 100% match in render image. Camera is with preserved  time and mesurment UNITS, Corect Up axis.

Now The final release is done (i hope). I did 2 versions of the script, furst is constrain based transfer (motion blur and gimble lock issue), other version is rotation based. Both do the same.

Orionflame 4

31 votes

Orionflame 4 is the successor of the acclaimed production-proven modeling toolset for 3ds max, featuring a completely redesigned and rewritten core architecture, along with several new powerful modeling tools.

Experience the difference yourself.

Note: this is a commercial script


15 votes

The macroscript is meant to do a lightwave inspired axis constraint via
mouse movement. When the script is activated it will lock axis to the
closest major axis when starting a mouse drag (ie when you
move/non-uniform scale an object). idea by Paul Greveson. That way you
can quickly move stuff along major axis without having to use the

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