Tagged 'mentalray'

Slate Connector

5 votes


SlateConnector - Makes the everyday task of exposing nodes and adjusting material parameters easier and faster! New version (0.59a) with lots of impromevents!

Quick Z-Depth (mental ray)

1 vote

With this useful and simple script, you can create a non-destructive quick map Z-Depth in mental ray.

rollout Quick Z-depth



Scene Light Multiplier By POPA_3D

2 votes

Scene Light multiplier let you manage all your scene lights by multiplying their multiplier by a defined value or set all light multiplier to a defined value...

you can chose which lights will be taken in consideration

#Standard will affect:

 target Spot 

free Spot 

Target Directional ight 

free Directional light

Omni light 


mr area omni

Multi/Sub Object Material Creator

8 votes

Hi all. Here's my Multi/Sub Object Material Creator.

V.05 Updated UI to a less cumbersome version so it's easier to use. Kudos to Tassel for development)

V.04 Updated to include the option for Mental Ray material preset.

Ui tweaks to seperate the materials It now produces a random colour for each material (thanks to br0t)

Added the option to name your material (thanks to br0t)

V.03 Updated to include Mental Ray materials!

Material Manager

51 votes

Material Manager


A new version of Material Manager is done.

New features:

Search function, Save to separate matlibs, Render any thumbnail, Render missing thumnail, Render with "ctrl" held down, renders liquid stuff, Saves screen position and many more.

Material Converter

19 votes

M-Converter UI

I made a Material Convert that converts Arch & Design materials to Vraymtl. I created this in my free time so its a BETA script. For now M-Converter only converts Arch & Design materials to Vraymtl. I hope you guys like this script.

Monster Matte

23 votes

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