Quick Z-Depth (mental ray)

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With this useful and simple script, you can create a non-destructive quick map Z-Depth in mental ray.

rollout Quick Z-depth



Additional Info: 

-- Quick Help :

Pick and Select CameraTarget (optional) : select a camera target in the scene for the render.
The label "target distance (Z Max) suggest the value of max distance Z depth

Z min: the minimum measurement of depth of the map Z (camera)

z Max: the maximum measurement of depth of the map Z (traget)

Preview Z-Depth (active view) : quick preview of the selected view

Preview Z-Depth (aselected camera) : quick preview of the selected camera target

Render VFB (output size): Render the z.depth on the Virtual Frame Buffer with the measure in output size (Tab Rendering)

-- Caution!

For very complex scene, the analysis may take some time


1- Unzip
2- Copy the folder "Michele71_Script"
3- Paste then into your folder Scripts in Max (like "C:\\Autodesk\3dsMax2010\Scripts")
4- Start 3DSMAX and run script "Quick_Z-Depth.ms" inside the folder "Michele71_Script"
5- Go to "Costumize" > "Customize user interface" > "Menus"
6- In "Category" find "Michele71_Tools" and choose "Quick_Z-Depth"
7- Create new menu in list "Menus" and Drag and Drop the new menu in the "Main Menu Bar".
8- Drag and drop "Quick_Z-Depth" in new menu.


Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2010 and up
quick_zdepth.rar16.65 KB


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Michele71's picture

The script run and work well

The script run and work well :) resolve!!

teri maa's picture

script doesn't run

The script doesn't run! Any help

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