Tagged 'primitives'

Furniture maxscript plugin

5 votes

FurnitureEdit: Demo version is available on our download page.

Furniture is a collection of four scripts for 3ds max that makes easier creation of furniture elements within 3ds max software package.Furniture plugin consists of four sub-scripts with which you can easily create, modify and manipulate:

 - cabinets with doors,

 - cabinets with drawers,

 - combined cabinets,

 - shelfs (vertical or horizontal)

by Albero Art


52 votes

QuickToolsA collection of useful maxscripts and max features combined into one tool window. Most of the scripts I wrote myself. Some I did not write - but included as I use them regularly and find them to be extremely efficient work flow enhancers - furthermore I found no need to reinvent already solid wheels. Full credit is given to all script's authors both in the code comments and on the about page - however if for some reason I have neglected to give proper credit please let me know and I will rectify any and all such oversights. Furthermore - should anyone be unhappy that these are included I can remove them from the public release version. Finally any tools not categorized by those first descriptions are just standard max affairs to which I have given more convenient access - or are standard max affairs that have been slightly altered to suit certain production needs.


3 votes

plugin script, simpleObject Ceramics

SimpleWindow object

4 votes

Script makes fixed window with horiz-vert dividers grid, board and sill. Any part of window can switch on/off, so you can easily change it.

RhombicPrism primitive

2 votes

Script make simple rhombic prism. There's ability to change width, length, height, taper scale, number of height segments. Also provided "Generate Mapping Coords" checkbox.

Chamfer Tube

4 votes

plugin script, simpleObject ChamferTube

Multi Primitive

9 votes

plugin script, Multi Primitive

Primitive Fitting Abstraction

3 votes

This script allows you to tightly fit objects with primitives such as boxes, cylinders, and spheres. This fitting works best with box-like shapes.

All source code used is included in this package.

Lego Head

3 votes

Simple Lego Head scripted Geometry Plug-in.

Primitives Default Override

30 votes

If like me you constantly zero out the segments of planes, cylinders and other tubes and cones you create, this script is for you.
It replaces the primitives creation macroscripts shipping with 3dsMax so that :
Cylinders, Tubes and Cones : Height Segments = 1, Sides = 16 (18 is only symmetrical on one axis)
Planes segments = 1x1
Teapot segments = 8 (as suggested by a good friend of mine ; this Teapot deserves a face lift)

I recommend putting it in the following location so that it overrides the one in the max root folder :

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