Primitives Default Override
If like me you constantly zero out the segments of planes, cylinders and other tubes and cones you create, this script is for you.
It replaces the primitives creation macroscripts shipping with 3dsMax so that :
Cylinders, Tubes and Cones : Height Segments = 1, Sides = 16 (18 is only symmetrical on one axis)
Planes segments = 1x1
Teapot segments = 8 (as suggested by a good friend of mine ; this Teapot deserves a face lift)
I recommend putting it in the following location so that it overrides the one in the max root folder :
Windows XP : C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsMax\version\localization\UI\usermacros
Vista/7 : Users\username\...\Autodesk\3dsMax\version\localization\UI\usermacros
If you are the Administrator and want it to apply to all Users, you can also put it in
3dsMax root folder\UI\macroscripts
same here
no difference
any chance to fix it and make also "modifier default"
Script doesn't work
The doesn't work. I am using 3ds max 2009 x64 with the latest service pack and hotfix on Win7 x64. I pasted the MCR file in both locations and replaced the existing ones but even after that the segments are the same as the default values (eg. planes - 4x4, teapot - 4 etc.). Why is that?