RhombicPrism primitive

2 votes
Author Name: 
Konstantin Leontev

Script make simple rhombic prism. There's ability to change width, length, height, taper scale, number of height segments. Also provided "Generate Mapping Coords" checkbox.

Additional Info: 

Run script file from Main menu - Scripting - Run script... or just place it to 3dsMax_root\scripts\Startup folder.
This is an example of code, which i used to make script's banner:

start = 0; end = 10000
for i=1 to 1000 do
	RhombicPrism w:(random start end/10) len:(random start end/10)\
        h:(random start end/10) sc:(random 20 100) segm:(random 1 10)\
	pos:[random start end, random start end, 0]
rhombicprism0_03_550x150_2.jpg23.49 KB
rhombicprism0_03.gif614.75 KB