Admin's blog

Implemented new security service to flag spam

There has been a significant increase in spam posts lately - enough that I'm finding it hard to keep up with and nearly impossible to stay ahead of... I can't ban users fast enough and even so they just come back with another ip and keep posting...

So - I've enabled spam protection from mollom which is an anti-spam service as an experimental step in fighting spam. I'll monitor it's effectiveness over the coming weeks and make sure it's not flagging too many posts as spam.

Christopher Grant

10 year anniversary coming up and some changes too...

10 years. Wow. The ScriptSpot 10 year anniversary will be coming up in May 2010. More news to follow.

List of changes

I'll fill this out in the coming days as the update goes live

- Embedded Media Field for adding links to video tutorials / examples. There are many instances where showing usage via a youtube clip would really help out. There is now a field when submitting scripts, plugins & tutorials that lets you paste in the link to a video (any type) and it'll create a player window for that video.

Server updates / drupal upgrade

For the past couple weeks I've been steadily preparing a new server for ScriptSpot. The current one has been crumbling under the load recently and its been clear that there just isn't enough room to grow. So, we're on a new server now thats significantly more powerful.

Refresh your browsers...

Some slights CSS changes tonight, refresh your browsers to see the latest...

Tuned up the search...

With drupal you can weight the default search engine with 4 different qualities - keywords, views, comments and date. I've reworked the weights and made keyword results significantly more important than the rest which in my tests is generating much more accurate search results. Give it a shot...

Some CSS refinements today...

Today I spent the afternoon going over the CSS files and refining some of the site details - like font size / weight / color sitewide. I think everything looks much better. The old site had such large text I would typically use the Firefox hotkeys to resize the text down a notch. This should suit everyone much better.

Added a "recent comments" block

Thought this would make things a bit more interesting so we can all easily see any new comments posted on relevent content. Note that this is a separate list for 3ds max / sketchup users of course...

Welcome back...

In performing some regular database maintenance last night, your fearless leader, your "webmaster" managed to break permissions leading to the site going blank for everyone. Wow. Smooth move on my part.

Its fixed now (obviously) since you're reading this message. Back to your regularly scheduled programming... :-)

Implemented sorting when viewing tags...

Just implemented sorting when browsing by tag name... I am now trying to get sort into the search results...

FYI, I think I've sped up the site a bit with a couple optimizations. That said, I've got another server I'm testing to see if it is faster too...

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