Is V-Ray rendering allways so hard? Or... Are there acceleration methods or parameters?

Is V-Ray rendering allways so hard? Or... Are there acceleration methods or parameters?

I prefer Brazil RS: Don't you?


artursamenezes's picture

After months 2

After months I use V-Ray. After many experiments, we get the know-how, as is with the 3Ds Max itself (for years!). Many inveighs occurs, because, it seems that those programs insist on fight against us. Unless we reach the hit, soon (often, luckily).

Find one or another solution (a variety of parameters and its tests... ando so on...) until get the best for me.

As everybody (we + chaosgroup + third parts), I'm working to provide many "apparatus" for each render engine (many -- I believe to be a good idea to use all of them, if possible to you) -- On certain case, we must use one, in another case, the second one...

The SCRIPTS and plugs are the true heroes.

I'm replying about it after many time.


W DIGITAL's picture

try the subburb SOLIDrOCK

try the subburb SOLIDrOCK script :)
it works wonders

artursamenezes's picture

After months I use V-Ray.

After months I use V-Ray. After many experiments, we get the know-how, as is with the own 3Ds Max (for years).

I use SolidRock script sometimes, if it don't destroys anything. Otherwise, I prefer to find another solution (a variety of parameters and its tests... ando so on...) until get the best for me. The idea of SolidRock is good, but, not allways.
