Batch Render Without Backburner for local works...

When I want to render a list of *.max files and not using the buckburner in only one machine I write this script and list the jobs, then I "Evaluate" and there goes...
I want to make it more grafic, with botons and all the thing, but I don't know how...
This is the script I use...

LoadMAXFile("*.max"); --Load max file
viewport.setCamera $Camera01 --set viewport as the camara named "Camera01"
animationRange = interval 0 50 -- set the animation range 0-50
rendTimeType = 3 --use the animation range seted in the line before
renderWidth = 1280; --frame width
renderHeight = 720; --frame height
renderPixelAspect = 1; --pixel aspect
rendSaveFile = 1; --save file
rendOutputFilename = ("*.tga") --set output and filetype
setRenderType #view --set the view so don't render in region or selection...
max quick render; --render

So if I want to leave my computer rendering a list of max files, I only have to copy/paste the lines I wrote before and change the file and parameters I want to render...

If somebody there want to help me to make it more grafic, it will be great!

Enjoy It, Gustavo Cruces.
