Array - Remove redondant values

I'm struggeling with an array containing several times the same values.

MyArray = #(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)

Does anyone know how to filter the redondant values in order to get:

MyArray = #(1,2,3)


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jos's picture


You can simply use

makeUniqueArray MyArray
--returns #(1, 2, 3)
Ewok's picture

Cool!!!Thanks a lot.I had


Thanks a lot.

I had figured out this workaround:

List = #(1,2,3,4,1,2)
List02 = #()
PreviousValue = #()
sort List
for element in List do
(if element != PreviousValue then append List02 element
 PreviousValue = element)

List = List02

But nothing's shorter than 'makeUniqueArray'

Thank you very much.


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