Break all spline knots
Hi Guys,
What I'm looking to do seems like it should be very straight forward but having done multiple searches over the last week I cannot seem to find an answer.
In short all I'm trying to do is break all thespline knots of a selected spline. This would be for an Editable spline modifier.
Basically create a circle spline, add an editable spline modifier, select all knots, break knots, exit subobject mode.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Some of my scripts and MCGs :: 3ds Max SDK Intro for Scripters
Swordplay, thank you so much
Swordslayer, thank you so much that worked perfectly! I would never have worked that out, much appreciated!
Apologies for the multiple
Apologies for the multiple posts. It was hanging so I hit Save a few times. Please delete repeats.