Can not control Angle Snap use Maxscript?

I would like to snap at an angle of 5 degrees, but occasionally I want to snap at an angle of 45 degrees.

It will make my work very fast and accurate

Especially when I snap at 40 or 50 degrees, I feel very bad

Besides, I only Use graphics tablets
(A graphics tablet is very useful, but vulnerable to using this snap feature)

Can not I adjust this with a shortcut?


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jahman's picture


(	-- toggle between 5.0 and 45.0 angle snap
	globalInstance = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").instance	
	currentAngle = globalInstance.coreinterface7.SnapAngle_ as integer
	if currentAngle != 5 then currentAngle = 5 else currentAngle = 45
	globalInstance.coreinterface7.SnapAngle_ = currentAngle

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