Cannot get the for loop to run only insight of array

I'm trying to get a loop to run through the faces I've selected but it runs true all the faces of the model.. what am i doing wrong.

try (closeRolloutFloater MainFloater) catch()
fn Makeplaner ev nodes =
    for n in nodes where isKindOf (obj = getAnimByHandle n) Editable_Poly do (
			if planer ==true then
                obj.EditablePoly.ConvertSelection #Vertex #Face
				Mplaner = obj.GetSelection #Face
				For i = 1 to Mplaner.count do
                obj.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Face #{i}
				obj.EditablePoly.makePlanar #Face 
				Mplaner = undefined
				Polymodel = undefined
				gc light:true
				rerun() --call fn rerun
Fn rerun =
	if planer == true then
			Polymodel = NodeEventCallback mouseUp:true delay:5000 geometryChanged:Makeplaner
Rollout Menu01 "PPLANER" 
	checkbutton two "Check" pos:[2,6] width:80 height:20
	on two changed state do 
		if state ==true then
			global planer = true
			global planer = false
MainFloater = NewRolloutFloater "" 178 55
addRollout Menu01 MainFloater


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Harvid's picture

I have pretty much got it to

I have pretty much got it to work.
but it only on my desktop computer on my laptop it not running the Fn rerun.. some ideas why ?

fn Makeplaner ev nodes =
    for n in nodes where isKindOf (obj = getAnimByHandle n) Editable_Poly do (
			if planer ==true then
                                obj.EditablePoly.ConvertSelection #Vertex #Face
				Mplaner = obj.GetSelection #Face as array
				for i in Mplaner do
					subobjectLevel = 4
                                $.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Face #{i}
				$.EditablePoly.makePlanar #Face 
				subobjectLevel = 1
				Polymodel = undefined
				gc light:true
Fn rerun =
	if planer == true then
			Polymodel = NodeEventCallback mouseUp:true delay:5000 geometryChanged:Makeplaner

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