Changed bitmap based on Maxscript Dropdownlist options

forum new I'm joined, I'm sorry if I did the wrong thing.

I want to create a dropdownlist with Max Script and change the bitmap at the bottom according to the options to choose from. How can I do this

bandicam_2018-09-14_14-35-40-177.jpg11.16 KB


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miauu's picture


What the dropdown list will show?

ahmetss's picture

Thanks Problem Solved

rollout test "Untitled" width:328 height:539
dropdownList 'ddl1' "DropDownList" pos:[16,26] width:288 height:40 items:#("", "1", "2") align:#left
bitmap 'image' "Bitmap" pos:[4,226] width:319 height:200 align:#left

on ddl1 selected sel do
if ddl1.selection==2 then
image.filename = @"C:\01.jpg"
if ddl1.selection==3 then
image.filename = @"C:\02.jpg"
if ddl1.selection==1 then
image.filename = @"C:\03.jpg"
Createdialog test

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