Changing Grid views


I want to create window with few buttons to change grid view.
I have custom Grid that is Activated.
The thing is that when I have MAXScript Listner on and change a view to any grid view (i.e. Grid Top), MAXScript listner doesn't show any command or what happende while changing.
It seems that that action is not scripted.
Can you tell me how to script that action, please??



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lunerjelly's picture

Hi pierzak, I don't know

Hi pierzak, I don't know wheather you find a solution by now, but I write a script "myview" that maybe some helpful to you. Enjoy it.

myview.rar 587 bytes
real08121985's picture

viewport.setType name Get

viewport.setType name

Get and set the view type for the current viewport. Valid name values are:

#view_top -- Top
#view_bottom -- Bottom
#view_right -- Right
#view_left -- Left
#view_front -- Front
#view_back -- Back
#view_persp_user -- Perspective
#view_iso_user -- User
#view_camera -- Camera
#view_spot -- Light
#view_shape -- Shape
#view_grid -- Grid

Found in MAXScript Reference > Index "viewport" > Method ".setType". By the way, nice hand motion capture system :D

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