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fn createVrayMat =
mymat =VrayMtl () uniquename "myMatVray_"
mymat.diffuse = color 919191
mymat.reflection_fresnel = on
mymat.reflection_lockIOR = off
mymat.reflection_ior = 2
mymat.Reflection = color 124124124
mymat.reflection_glossiness = 0.78
mymat.reflection_subdivs = 16
meditMaterials[1] = mymat -- to ease edit my mat setting later
themat= createVrayMat ()for i in objects where (classof i.mat == standardMaterial)do i.mat = theMat
also you can bulk change the material in the mymat setting...see the material properties reference you want to change, in my case its vray material ...but you might want another.
wow fajar
No way, was build the script for me?
Thank you very much sir!
fn createVrayMat = (mymat
also you can bulk change the material in the mymat setting...see the material properties reference you want to change, in my case its vray material ...but you might want another.