Help with merge script...easy fix I'm sure...lost
What I want to do it type "box" or "cone", specify a directory and search through max scene files in the directory for items named "box" or "cone". Then merge those items into the current scene.
This is what I got so far, but I'm getting a --No "map" function for undefined on line 30 "append objToMergeArr n"
rollout merRoll "Merge"
edittext prefix_txt "Item:" fieldWidth:150 labelOnTop:false
on prefix_txt entered txt do
if txt != "*cone*" then
searchForString = #("*cone*")
if txt != "*box*" then
searchForString = #("*box*")
label lab1 " "style_sunkenedge:true width:265 height:40 pos:[0,60]
label lab2 "Search for and merge in items from max scene files" pos:[12,35]
label lab3 "Author: Scott Parris" pos:[80,65]
label lab4 "Date: 6/13/14" pos:[94,80]
button but1 "Browse" pos:[200,2]
on but1 pressed do
maxFilesDir = getSavePath caption:"Select the directory" initialDir:"C:/Users/3D/Desktop"
maxFilesArr = getFiles (maxFilesDir + "\\*.max")
for mf in maxFilesArr do
objInFile = getMaxFileObjectNames mF
objToMergeArr = #()
for n in objInFile do
for str in searchForString where (matchpattern n pattern:str) do
append objToMergeArr n
if objToMergeArr.count != 0 do
-- #AutoRenameDups -- max2011+
mergeMAXFile mF objToMergeArr /* #select */#noRedraw #mergeDups #renameMtlDups #alwaysReparent quiet:true
Attachment | Size |
---|---| | 1.19 KB |
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you so much!!! Everything works great.
I'm new to Maxscript so I was piecing this together looking at other scripts. I didn't really understand why it wasn't working.
Thank you again.
Glad to help. :)
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
The problem is that the searchForString variable is not defiend as local for the script.
What is the logic behind this part of the code:
Even if you type CONE in the edit text field the script will load only boxes.
I think that you have to use something like this:
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax