Color Class


Im trying to get all the boxes within my scene to be coloured the same but diffrently to all the other shapes in my scene

The code i have is:

try(destroydialog ::test_button)catch()
rollout test_button "TEST"
button findclass "Colour All Class Boxes"
on findclass pressed do
apropos "box" do for obj in objects do (obj.wirecolor = color (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255))
createDialog test_button 160 100

Keeps coming up with errors



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barigazy's picture
barigazy's picture


try(destroydialog ::test_button)catch()
rollout test_button "TEST"
	button findclass "Colour All Class Boxes"
	on findclass pressed do
		for b in geometry where isKindOf b Box do b.wirecolor = random black white
createDialog test_button 160 100


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