Combine Two Arrays

Let say we have two array with same items count.

arr1 = #("a","b","c","d","e")
arr2 = #(1,2,3,4,5)

Which will be the easy way (sort code) to combine these 2 and get this output

#("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3, "d", 4, "e", 5)


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3dwannab's picture

Thanks for the discussion guys,

I've one but I think it's not in the order you want this just joins arrays after each other. Quite simple but it could be of use to someone passing through.

array1 = #("a","b","c","d","e")
array2 = #(1,2,3,4,5)
array3 = #("this","works","a","treat")
array4 = #("3dsMax","crashes","too","much")
fn combine_4_Arrays arr1 arr2 arr3 arr4 =
	tempArr = copy arr1 #nomap
	join tempArr arr2
	join tempArr arr3
	join tempArr arr4
newArr = combine_4_Arrays array1 array2 array3 array4
#("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "this", "works", "a", "treat", "3dsMax", "crashes", "too", "much") -- > returned array
SugaR's picture

Hi Barigazy I liked the idea

Hi Barigazy

I liked the idea so I tried it but I got an error. The object properties are not as string but still as integer so the dotNet function isn't working...

Here is the code I have:

fn combineArray arr1 arr2 =
	testArray1 = #()
	for i = 1 to arr1.count do join testArray1 #(arr1[i],arr2[i])
fn printer propArr varArr filename: =
	testArray2 = combineArray propArr varArr
	(dotnetclass "System.IO.File").WriteAllLines filename testArray2
b = createInstance Box
props = #()
vals = for p in getPropNames b collect 
	append props (p as string)
	getProperty b p
printer props vals filename:@"c:\temp\test.txt"

And here is what I get in the listener:

#(25.0, 25.0, 1, 25.0, 1, false, 1, false)
-- Error occurred in printer(); filename: D:\Travail\Projets\3D Studio Max\Script\Sugarz Tools\scripts 2014\Test Barigazy\; position: 286; line: 12
--  Frame:
--   filename: "c:\temp\test.txt"
--   varArr: #(25.0, 25.0, 1, 25.0, 1, false, 1, false)
--   propArr: #("height", "length", "lengthsegs", "width", "widthsegs", "mapcoords", "heightsegs", "realWorldMapSize")
--   testArray2: #("height", 25.0, "length", 25.0, "lengthsegs", 1, "width", 25.0, "widthsegs", 1, "mapcoords", false, "heightsegs", 1, "realWorldMapSize", false)
-- Unable to convert: 25.0 to type: String

By the way, my pseudo isn't SugaRi, just SugaR (it wasn't free to use for registering and I didn't changed it afterwards :)

barigazy's picture


You might wonder what purpose has this function.
Well.. for example we can easely print some object props to external file.

fn printer propArr varArr filename: =
	array = combineArray propArr varArr
	(dotnetclass "System.IO.File").WriteAllLines filename array


b = createInstance Box
props = #()
vals = for p in getPropNames b collect 
	append props (p as string)
	(getProperty b p) as string
printer props vals filename:@"c:\temp\test.txt"


barigazy's picture

#3 solution by SugaRi

fn combineArray arr1 arr2 =
	array = deepcopy arr1
	for i = 1 to arr1.count do insertItem arr2[i] array (i*2)
combineArray arr1 arr2


barigazy's picture

#1 solution

This solution represents longest and slowest version.

fn combineArray arr1 arr2 =
	int = 2 ; e = 1
	number = arr1.count*2
		insertItem arr2[e] arr1 (int)
		int+=2 ; e+=1
	while int <= number 
combineArray arr1 arr2 


barigazy's picture

#2 solution

Easy way

fn combineArray arr1 arr2 =
	array = #()
	for i = 1 to arr1.count do join array #(arr1[i],arr2[i])
combineArray arr1 arr2


barigazy's picture


Does anyone have 3rd solution?


SugaR's picture

Not sure if it's a good or

Not sure if it's a good or fast solution but it works:

testArray = arr1
for i = 1 to arr1.count do 
	j = i*2
	insertItem arr2[i] testArray j
barigazy's picture


This solution can works but first thing first:
If you want to prevent changes of arr1 you need to use "deepcopy" fn ei.

testArray = deepcopy arr1

Not need to use "j" variable here just

insertItem arr2[i] testArray (i*2)

"insertItem" fn is slow for big arrays.


SugaR's picture

Ok good thing to know about

Ok good thing to know about the copy/deepcopy

About the "j" variable, It's just easier for me to work with variable like this when I write some code, like that it's easier to modify the expression afterwards if needed, since I have a better visibility of the expression in the code :)

Then when the code is working, I try to get rid off all this kind of useless variable to optimize the code.

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