Commercial Max Scripts - A discussion ?


it seems like people do more and more commercial script now a days to earn some ekstra money. Sadly!

I wounder if it is possible to separate them from the free scripts here at scriptspot since i'm in most cases don't want to buy scripts since they in my opinion should be free.

What do you other people think about this?

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Admin's picture

This suggestion has come up

This suggestion has come up repeatedly over the past year+ for some of the same reasons here. It's actually my intention to do it (and I have it working already on a dev site) but I wasn't entirely happy with the implementation.

It *is* coming however. :-)

Christopher Grant

tassel's picture

I am very pleased to hear

I am very pleased to hear this :)

/ Raymond

br0t's picture



Never get low & slow & out of ideas

tassel's picture

It is not a problem that

It is not a problem that people want to earn money on their scripts, i just want to separate them from the rest since there come more and more of them.

An example:
Previously, I used much, but as it has become more and more commercial plugins there I have almost completely stopped visiting the site.

I spend money on plugins / scripts, but I can not buy all of them, so i want to filter out the commercial scripts for alternatives.

/ Raymond

br0t's picture

I think its okay for people

I think its okay for people to decide if they want to make a few bucks with their scripts. Why not if they save you alot of work and did take a long time to develop? Why should they always be free?
What I personally dont like that much is the fact that they are encrypted and you cant learn from them. But that, of course, is necessary if you dont want to sell it only once.
What I really dislike are free, encrypted scripts. I somehow see the point that people are afraid of their code being stolen, but mostly the code is the most interesting thing on it. And if I share a script for free, that should be shared as well, even if its total spaghetti code (in my opinion). Sometimes I see people writing their first script, and the first thing they do is create a cool logo, a big "about" section in the interface and encrypt the whole thing -_-"

And yes, it would be nice to have like a checkbox to mark or separate commercial from free scripts, but I dont think thats too easy to implement on the existing database.

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

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