Comparing multiple strings in If

A bit of a noob question here. I'm wanting to check what viewport the user is in using an if statement.


currentView = (viewport.getType() as string)
if currentView == "view_top" then

Which is fine, so I wanted to check if the condition is true for multiple views using:

if currentView == "view_front" or "view_left" then

But it does not work. I've been trying to search how but using "or" within Google search strings isn't that helpful.

Any help would be awesome!


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Mackinder's picture

Oh I see! Thank you ever so

Oh I see! Thank you ever so much!

Garp's picture

Boolean operations.

Boolean operators test between conditions (boolean values). Your code is testing between a condition and a string.
if currentView == #view_front OR currentView == #view_left then ...

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