Add Interations NURMS Subdivision with button
Hi all boys :)
How create more or less iterations Nurms with button?
I want to create two button on my toolbar that allows me to increase or decrease
the interations NURMS Subdivision in editpoly.
Now, with spinner I don't have problem... example:
on sp1 changed val do obj.iterations = sp1.value --- max 10 interations
but with the button as I do?
I try but I can't understand...
Example of rollout (just to better understand)
rollout test "More or Less" width:104 height:88 ( groupBox grp1 "" pos:[8,0] width:88 height:80 checkbox chk1 "On/Off" pos:[16,16] width:56 height:16 button btn1 "<" pos:[16,48] width:32 height:24 button btn2 ">" pos:[56,48] width:32 height:24 ) Createdialog test
Thanks in advance
Ciao Garp! :) Thanks for your
Ciao Garp! :)
Thanks for your reply! It worked great ;)
I tried with this solution "obj.iterations += 1" but it gave me an error...mah!
I do not know why...
Thanks again Garp
Hi Michele :)
With obj as an Editable Poly.
for display and
for render.