Converting Polar coordinates in Euler Angles

Imagine you have scene, sun arising.

In center we have a rotation point ($PointRotate01) with [0,0,0] coordinate, and light ($Omni01) with [50,0,0] coordinate.

And $Omni01.parent = $PointRotate01

The light roll about world center, like the sun.

As issue we have array ARISE ANGLES.
arrayArise=#(0,1,2,…… 90)

I want make animation sun arising, use only ARISE ANGLES. In 0 frame, I have 0 degrees arise angel,
in 1 frame I have 1 degrees arise angel, ….., and so on.

I tray use Euler Angles.
for t=0 to animationRange.end do
at time t
rot_sun=eulerangles 0 t 0
animate on
rotate $Point01 rot_sun
for t=0 to animationRange.end do
at time t
default=eulerangles 0 0 0
rot_sun=eulerangles 0 t 0
animate on
rotate $Point01 default
rotate $Point01 rot_sun
…. And getting strange result.

Help me ……


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barigazy's picture

how about this

delete objects
prt = Point name:"PointRotate" axistripod:on cross:off size:10
lght = Omnilight name:"Sun" pos:[50,0,0] parent:prt
prt[3][2][2].track = float_script ()
prt[3][2][2].track.script = "-(degtorad F)"
max time play


Any's picture

One more question

If I have rotation point prt on X and Z axis simultaneously, how will bee find next part your script?

prt[3][2][2].track = float_script ()
prt[3][2][2].track.script = "-(degtorad F)"

barigazy's picture

reference in mxs help

"prt[3][2][2].track" is the shorter version of "prt.rotation.controller.Y_Rotation.controller"


barigazy's picture


It's simple just use instanced float script in both Y and Z track ei.controller

delete objects
prt = Point name:"PointRotate" axistripod:on cross:off size:10
lght = Omnilight name:"Sun" pos:[50,0,0] parent:prt
prt[3][2][2].track = prt[3][2][3].track = float_script ()
-- now both track use same float script and you need to assigne expression in one controller
prt[3][2][2].track.script = "-(degtorad F)"
max time play


Any's picture

Barigazy, glad to listen you

Can you explain me
'prt[3][2][2].track = float_script ()'

Is this prt[3][2][2].track some matrix?

Send me referense on MaxScript Help topic, one more time, please...

Any's picture

One more....

Your variant is good when FRAME in animation = Degree
If I have the angels array AngelsArray=#(15, 26, 35, 15.7,....60) and in ferst key of animation, rotation must be AngelsArray[1], in
second key AngelsArray[2], and so on?????????

barigazy's picture


are you need method with script controller or method with animation keys?


barigazy's picture

method with animation keys

delete objects
angleArr = #(15,20,5,18,23,56,78,90,65,32,11,41)
prt = Point name:"PointRotate" axistripod:on cross:off size:10
lght = Omnilight name:"Sun" pos:[50,0,0] parent:prt
for t = 0 to angleArr.count-1 do
	with animate on at time t
                -- rotate about Y axis
		prt[3][2][2].value = angleArr[t+1]


Any's picture

Barigazy, You ara RIGHT again.

Thak you vary mutch....

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