Does macroscript support toolTip:"...." with line break?


In a Macroscript, is it possible to put a long description with line breaks?


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Haider of Sweden's picture


@barigazy: Maybe this is not good idea. I don't want to confuse Haider :)

Keep on confusing me, this is just awesome ;)

thanks for the demo. Too bad it is not working

The reason why I needed to know more about this is to see how much more additional information I could add into a toolbar, for example information about the author, script version and such.
In Maya, there was a trick that allowed you to show stuff if you had alt or ctrl-button pressed and hover the mouse pointer over the button.

Kind regards

barigazy's picture


For standard MXS controls like buttons etc. you can have same behavior by using (Shift, Alt, Ctrl, LMB, RMB). This does not apply to macro buttons ei. toolbar buttons but only controls inside Rollout Dialog.
In the other hand .NET allows you to expand this functionality of control even more by using events:
- MouseDown
- MouseUp
- Click
- MouseHover
- MouseLeave
- etc.
Also property of arguments "Buttons" can be "Left", "Middle", "Right" like LMB, MMB, RMB.
In this way you can make custom controls. I mean instead of using button U can achive same behavior usin simple Label control. Also checkbox can be easely transformed to checkbutton or radiobuttons to checkboxes or textbox to spinner etc.
Regarding to this Max have more "magical" stuffs then Maya for sure


barigazy's picture


That is also another reason why I do not use macros.
Do not waste time on this. I suggest you to explore MXS practicle examples rather than this. I mean how to correctly write and optimize code.
There is the fun and excitement of course.


Haider of Sweden's picture



Sometimes, I ask things out of curiosity, maybe for future ideas. Depending on if things are possible or not, I elaborate my thoughts into larger ideas, or skip them.

Btw, why dont you like Macros? As an amateur, I cant but help thinking "isnt it just the same?". An MCR file contains script encapsulated in a macroscript header. Or what am I missing?


Can you elaborate this a little more, with some examples? Thanks

Kind regards

miauu's picture


Rollout control with multi lines tooltip:

	global rol_TooltipTest
	try(destroyDialog rol_TooltipTest)catch()
	rollout rol_TooltipTest ""
		button btn_01 "--------" tooltip:"First line\nSecond Line\nand so on..."
	createdialog rol_TooltipTest 	

In this case the UI control is a button, but how the tooltip is set is valid method for all controls that can have tooltips.

barigazy's picture


Do you want to see tooltip with different words size and different words color also? ;)


miauu's picture


With dotNEt almost everything is possible. Maybe there is a way to do what you say with the default maxscript tooltips using some switches.
But I found how to ruin your 3ds max. What you have to do is to:
- install a macro script
- create a toolbar button and assign the macro to the button
- close 3dsMax.
If in your Preferences the Save UI COnfiguration on Exit is turned On next time when you wants to run the Max you will be surprised that this is not possible. My max2014 loads only 226-228MB of RAM and then the result is Not Responding. :)

barigazy's picture


Nice try. Very cool :)
This is not .NET but DevXpress :)
DexX controls have propery "SuperTip".
Even with this property you need to design your tooltip.
But you can use Paint event with .NET control to achive the same.
Also not so easy :)


miauu's picture


But is not native tooltip for native Max UI controls. :)

barigazy's picture


Yup. Is not.


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