dropdown menu and create button
hello i am just new to max scripting and i am really interested in making interfaces
so my question is i have a script with a drop down menu and a button, but what i want it to do is create whatever i have selected in the drop down menu. here is the code to my little script. Any help would be appriciated :)
I'm thinking it has to do with some if this is selected then do this, but i cannot figure it out have read alot of max script help but im new :(
try(closerolloutfloater MainFloater) catch()
rollout myroll "Deans ToolBox"
dropDownList 'ddl12' "Objects" pos:[30,17] width:137 height:40 items:#("Box", "Sphere", "Cylinder", "Tube", "Plane", "Teapot")
button 'btn5' "Create" pos:[30,80] width:137 height:36
global dsel
on ddl12 selected sel do
dsel = sel
on btn5 pressed do
createdialog myroll width:200 height:300
thank you very much that is awsome, i appriciate your help very much:)
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax