Job Dependencies with maxscript for deadline

I am trying to automate the render submitting task from max to deadline. I am struggling to find how to add job dependencies. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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sable806's picture


Hello, i did it like a few months ago and i can send you some of my code by PM if you need to see how it works.

You can look at this link to find the basic submission code for deadline jobs :

For job dependencies what i've done so far is adding a line in the job file which is used to submit a deadline job. The line is the following : "JobDependencies= (renderJobID)" where (renderJobID) stances for the Job ID of the job on which depend the job you are submitting. This line needs to be added to the job file created by maxscript when sumitting the job.

I hope it can helps you, if you need some help on doing this, feel free to contact me on scriptspot and we can discuss it more. I'll be glad to help you.

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