Error in Call function

Hi all,

I am still a newbie with Maxscript. I have followed methods to create the following script however it fails when looking for negative numbers. I thought float would be able to work for negative numbers as well as positive. This script takes in a text file that has this type of information.
the error is with the -1.5.

can someone help please?

  arr = $'PILE*' as array
  for i = 1 to arr.count do
  if arr[i] != undefined do
delete arr[i] 
n = getOpenFileName caption:"Open PileCap File:"  filename:"C:/MX Projects/Caulfield to Dandenong Nine/07_Max/02_Macros/Des a501/" 
f = openfile n mode:"r"
count = 0
while not eof f do
  l = readline f
  datain = filterstring l "|"
--arr = datain[1] as array
LL= datain[3] as float
WW = datain[4] as  float
TT1 = datain[5] as float
	nor = datain[7] as integer
	nop = datain[6] as integer
	rot = datain[13] as float
	nos = datain[10] as integer
	xo1 = datain[11] as float
	rad1 = datain[9] as float
	p1dist = datain[8] as float
  -- pilecap name|mxstring|length|width|thickness|noofpiers|noofrows|xoffset|diameter|nosides|depth|Pile Names|rotate|p1|p2|p3|p4|p5......   
 myBox= Box lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 length:LL width:WW height:TT mapcoords:on pos:[0,0,0] name: ( uniqueName datain[1])
   if  nor==1 then
    for i = 1 to nop do
			   	pjdist=datain[j] as float
            piers = Cylinder smooth:on heightsegs:1 capsegs:1 sides:nos height:-1*xo radius:rad mapcoords:on pos:[p1dist,pjdist,TT] name: (uniquename datain[12])
            piers.parent = myBox
          if  nor==2 then
    for i = 1 to nop do
			 pjdist=datain[j] as float
            piers = Cylinder smooth:on heightsegs:1 capsegs:1 sides:nos height:xo radius:rad mapcoords:on pos:[p1dist*-1,pjdist,TT] name: (uniquename datain[12])
            piers.parent = myBox
                        piers = Cylinder smooth:on heightsegs:1 capsegs:1 sides:nos height:xo radius:rad mapcoords:on pos:[p1dist*1,pjdist,TT] name: (uniquename datain[12])
            piers.parent = myBox
  spl = getNodeByName datain[2] 
             clearlistener ()
             disableSceneRedraw() --disable viewport redraws for speed
old_pos = myBox.pos.controller --get the original position controller
myBox.pos.controller = path follow:true path:spl constantVel:true --assign a Path controller to follow
             rotate myBox (angleaxis rot [0,0,1])
		 --myBox.pos.controller.percent = 50 --set the percentage on frame 0 to 0
--animate the values below:
enableSceneRedraw() --enable viewports
redrawViews() --redraw them
		 myBox.pos.controller.percent = 50 
stream = fopen "C:\\MX Projects\\Caulfield to Dandenong Nine\\07_Max\\02_Macros\\test.txt" "wb"
             writestring stream (( as String) +   "Created" )
             fclose stream
 layer = LayerManager.getLayerFromName"PILECAPS"
 arrt = $'Pile*' 
 for n in (selection as array) do layer.addnode n
  (layerManager.getLayer 1).on = on
close f
messagebox (( as String) +"Created" )


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Hi all, Worked it out. the

Hi all, Worked it out. the piers filtering of the spreadsheet was wrong it was trying to look for a number that was non existent.

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