Export By Material?
I'm using maxscript to dump information in my scene. and just followed the examples given in the maxscript helpme.
But I haven't been able to find any examples on how to export by material...
see my mesh could have multiple materials, and examples just dumps the verts, texturecords, faces etc as one HUGE dump..
I looked through the read me and theres a thing about MatIDs.. but so some reason my MatIDs are weird.. like one model has like matID1, MatID4... but it only has one material...
does anyone know of an example of exporting by material?
I guess the mat ID can be anything, and only really works with multimaterial. otherwise if the model has no material or a standard material. I can export the entire mesh,matIDs don't matter..
here's the script I was working on... I'm trying to make a PMD exporter to make models for MikuMikuDance
clearlistener() obj= $* modelArray=#() struct model ( vertX, vertY, vertZ, normX, normY, normZ, tvertU, tvertV, boneA, boneB, weight ) matArray=#() struct materials ( diffR, diffG, diffB, opac, gloss, spec, specR, specG, specB, ambR, ambG, ambB, outline, toon, diffTex, refTex, refType, apexes ) num_verts = 0 num_faces = 0 num_tex = 0 -- data collection, organize all nodes into seperate arrays ModelBin=#() BoneBin=#() FaceArray=#() -- general arrays, used for data mangment vertWeights=#() -- vertex [vertexID,Weight1] skinBones=#() -- bones used in skin modifier boneID=#() -- bones used in skin modifier, as ID relating to BoneBin weightsTwo=#() for a = 1 to obj.count do( -- Filters Out Nodes if (classOf obj[a].baseobject) == BoneGeometry do append BoneBin obj[a] if (classOf obj[a].baseobject) == Editable_Poly \ or (classOf obj[a].baseobject) == Editable_Mesh do( for h = 1 to obj[a].modifiers.count do( if obj[a].modifiers[h]==obj[a].modifiers[#Skin] \ AND skinOps.GetNumberBones obj[a].modifiers[#Skin]!=0 do append ModelBin obj[a])) -- "Section 01: Name/Comments @ 0x3" -- "Section 02: Model Data @ 0x11b" -- "Section 03: Materials @ 0x530dd" -- "Section 04: Bones @ 0x53587" -- "Section 05: IK Chains @ 0x5449e" -- "Section 06: Morphs @ 0x544d8" -- "Section 07: Frames @ 0x6bfad" -- "Section 08: English Names @ 0x6c222" -- "Section 08b: Bone Names @ 0x6c337" -- "Section 08c: Morph Names @ 0x6caf3" -- "Section 08d: IK Chain Names @ 0x6ce3b" -- "Section 08e: Toon Names @ 0x6cf99" -- "Section 09: Collision Model @ 0x6d381" -- "Section 10: Physics @ 0x6d9ae" ) -- re-order data if need be for ms = 1 to ModelBin.count do( --extracts weights, but they need to be formed to fit 2bone/weight msh = ModelBin[ms] select msh max modify mode -- get bone info bones_total_count = skinops.getnumberbones msh.modifiers[#skin] vertex_count = getNumverts msh --getnumvertices -- loop through all mesh vertices in this mesh for i = 1 to vertex_count do( -- loop through all bones affecting this vertex vertex_bone_count = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount msh.modifiers[#skin] i for bn = 1 to vertex_bone_count do( weight = skinops.getvertexweight msh.modifiers[#skin] i bn selectBone=skinOps.GetBoneName msh.modifiers[#skin] bn 0 append vertWeights[i,weight] append skinBones selectBone ) -- print "done" )) for sc = 1 to skinBones.count do( -- converts the skin list to IDs, based on master bone list for mt = 1 to BoneBin.count do( if BoneBin[mt].name==skinBones[sc] do append boneID mt )) for mh = 1 to ModelBin.count do( -- stores mesh data to array. ready for mesh export. tmesh = snapshotAsMesh ModelBin[mh] num_verts = tmesh.numverts num_faces = tmesh.numfaces num_tex = tmesh.numtverts for rd = 1 to num_verts do( vert = getVert tmesh rd norm = getNormal tmesh rd texcoord = getTVert tmesh rd nx=norm.x ny=norm.z nz=norm.y vx=vert.x vy=vert.z vz=vert.y tu=texcoord.x tv=texcoord.y*-1 newWeights=#() for y = 1 to vertWeights.count do( if rd==vertWeights[y][1] do append newWeights[(boneID[y]),(vertWeights[y][2])] ) print "g" print newWeights.count !REG3XP1!> if newWeights.count==1 do( b1=newWeights[1][1] b2=0 w1=1.0 ) if newWeights.count==2 do( b1=(newWeights[1][1])-1 b2=(newWeights[2][1])-1 w1=newWeights[1][2] print w1 ) if newWeights.count==3 do( col=#() if vertWeights[1][2]>=vertWeights[2][2] then( if vertWeights[3][2]>=vertWeights[2][2] then( append col[(vertWeights[3][1]),(vertWeights[3][2])]) else(append col[(vertWeights[2][1]),(vertWeights[2][2])]) append col[(vertWeights[1][1]),(vertWeights[1][2])])else( if vertWeights[3][2]>=vertWeights[1][2] then(append col[(vertWeights[3][1]),(vertWeights[3][2])]) else(append col[(vertWeights[1][1]),(vertWeights[1][2])]) append col[(vertWeights[2][1]),(vertWeights[2][2])] ) b1=(col[1][1])-1 b2=(col[2][1])-1 w1=(((1-(col[1][2]+col[2][2]))/2)+col[1][2]) ) if newWeights.count==4 do( col=#() colB=#() if vertWeights[1][2]>=vertWeights[2][2] then( if vertWeights[3][2]>=vertWeights[2][2] then( if vertWeights[4][2]>=vertWeights[3][2] then(append col[(vertWeights[4][1]),(vertWeights[4][2])]) else(append col[(vertWeights[3][1]),(vertWeights[3][2])]) append col[(vertWeights[3][1]),(vertWeights[3][2])] )else( if vertWeights[4][2]>=vertWeights[2][2] then(append col[(vertWeights[4][1]),(vertWeights[4][2])]) else(append col[(vertWeights[2][1]),(vertWeights[2][2])]) append col[(vertWeights[2][1]),(vertWeights[2][2])] ) append col[(vertWeights[1][1]),(vertWeights[1][2])] )else( if vertWeights[3][2]>=vertWeights[1][2] then( if vertWeights[4][2]>=vertWeights[3][2] then(append col[(vertWeights[4][1]),(vertWeights[4][2])]) else(append col[(vertWeights[3][1]),(vertWeights[3][2])]) append col[(vertWeights[3][1]),(vertWeights[3][2])] )else( if vertWeights[4][2]>=vertWeights[2][2] then(append col[(vertWeights[4][1]),(vertWeights[4][2])]) else(append col[(vertWeights[2][1]),(vertWeights[2][2])]) append col[(vertWeights[1][1]),(vertWeights[1][2])] ) append col[(vertWeights[2][1]),(vertWeights[2][2])] ) if col[1][2]>=col[2][2] then( if col[3][2]>=col[2][2] then( append colB[(col[3][1]),(col[3][2])]) else(append colB[(col[2][1]),(col[2][2])]) append colB[(col[1][1]),(col[1][2])])else( if col[3][2]>=col[1][2] then(append colB[(col[3][1]),(col[3][2])]) else(append colB[(col[1][1]),(col[1][2])]) append colB[(col[2][1]),(col[2][2])] ) b1=(colB[1][1])-1 b2=(colB[2][1])-1 w1=(((1-(colB[1][2]+colB[2][2]))/2)+colB[1][2]) if w1>=1 do w1=1 ) w1=((w1)*100) as integer append modelArray (model vertX:vx vertY:vy vertZ:vz normX:nx normY:ny normZ:nz tvertU:tu tvertV:tv boneA:b1 boneB:b2 weight:w1) ) msh = ModelBin[mh] if msh.material == undefined then ( mat=meditMaterials[1] = Standardmaterial () mat.Diffuse=msh.wirecolor matCount=1 )else( mat=msh.material ) matType=0 diffMap="" reflMap="" refrMap="" reflAlpha=0 if classof mat == NoMaterial do matType=1 if classof mat == Standard do matCount=1 if classof mat == InkNPaint do matType=4 if classof mat == Blend do matType=5 if classof mat == MultiMaterial do matCount=mat.count for m = 1 to matCount do( if matCount!=1 then (subM=mat.materialList[m]) else (subM=mat ) matGroup=0 outline=subM.twoSided if outline==true then outline=1 else outline=0 if subM.diffuseMap!=undefined do diffMap=filenameFromPath subM.diffuseMap.fileName if subM.reflectionMap!=undefined do ( reflMap=filenameFromPath subM.reflectionMap.fileName reflAlpha=subM.reflectionMap.alphaSource ) if subM.refractionMap!=undefined do refrMap=filenameFromPath subM.refractionMap.fileName print "start face count" print num_faces for f = 1 to num_faces do( if (getFaceMatID tmesh f)==m do( matGroup+=1 face = getFace tmesh f append FaceArray face ) ) append matArray(materials \ diffR:((subM.Diffuse.red)/255) \ diffG:((subM.Diffuse.green)/255) \ diffB:((subM.Diffuse.blue)/255) \ opac:((subM.opacity)/100) \ gloss:subM.glossiness \ spec:subM.specularLevel \ specR:((subM.Specular.red)/255) \ specG:((subM.Specular.green)/255) \ specB:((subM.Specular.blue)/255) \ ambR:((subM.ambient.red)/255) \ ambG:((subM.ambient.green)/255) \ ambB:((subM.ambient.blue)/255) \ outline:outline \ toon:refrMap \ diffTex:diffMap \ refTex:reflMap \ refType:reflAlpha \ apexes:(matGroup*3) ) ) delete tmesh ) s = fopen "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MikuMikuDanceE_v713\\UserFile\\Model\\test.pmd" "wb" testname="test" comment="Test File, gn?" writestring s "Pmd";fseek s -1 #seek_cur --IDs File writefloat s 1 -- File Version? writestring s testname for x = 1 to (20-(testname.count+1)) do(writebyte s -3) writestring s comment for x = 1 to (256-(comment.count+1)) do(writebyte s -3) writelong s ModelArray.count for wr = 1 to ModelArray.count do( writefloat s ModelArray[wr].vertX writefloat s ModelArray[wr].vertY writefloat s ModelArray[wr].vertZ writefloat s ModelArray[wr].normX writefloat s ModelArray[wr].normY writefloat s ModelArray[wr].normZ writefloat s ModelArray[wr].tvertU writefloat s ModelArray[wr].tvertV print ModelArray[wr].boneA print ModelArray[wr].boneB writeshort s ModelArray[wr].boneA writeshort s ModelArray[wr].boneB writeshort s ModelArray[wr].weight ) print "end face count" print FaceArray.count writelong s (FaceArray.count*3) for wr = 1 to FaceArray.count do( writeshort s (FaceArray[wr][1]-1) writeshort s (FaceArray[wr][3]-1) writeshort s (FaceArray[wr][2]-1) ) writelong s matArray.count for wr = 1 to matArray.count do( writefloat s matArray[wr].diffR writefloat s matArray[wr].diffG writefloat s matArray[wr].diffB writefloat s matArray[wr].opac writefloat s matArray[wr].gloss writefloat s matArray[wr].specR writefloat s matArray[wr].specG writefloat s matArray[wr].specB writefloat s matArray[wr].ambR writefloat s matArray[wr].ambG writefloat s matArray[wr].ambB writebyte s 0 writebyte s matArray[wr].outline writelong s matArray[wr].apexes writebyte s 0 for x = 1 to 19 do (writebyte s -3) ) writeshort s BoneBin.count for wr = 1 to BoneBin.count do( writestring s BoneBin[wr].name for x = 1 to (18-((BoneBin[wr].name).count)+1) do (writebyte s -3) writeshort s -1 writeshort s 0 writebyte s 1 writeshort s 0 writefloat s BoneBin[wr].pos.x writefloat s BoneBin[wr].pos.z writefloat s BoneBin[wr].pos.y ) writeshort s 0 writeshort s 0 writebyte s 0 writebyte s 0 writelong s 0 -- if a>=b then( -- if c>=b then( -- if d>=c then(append col d)else(append col c) -- append col c -- )else( -- if d>=b then(append col d)else(append col b) -- append col b -- ) -- append col a -- )else( -- if c>=a then( -- if d>=c then(append col d)else(append col c) -- append col c -- )else( -- if d>=b then(append col d)else(append col b) -- append col a -- ) -- append col b -- ) gc() fclose s