Shade Unselected Toggle

While shade selected toggle is a trivial command:
max shade selected

there seems to be no reverse function:
ie max shade unselected

Such a mode would be very useful for say modelling the collision around a game mesh, or for editing proxy geometry.
I used to do this in maya, but no clue how to set this up in max.

Is this even possible?



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Ruramuq's picture


not going to create a .ms right now,..but if someone has a bit of time,:
create a tmp layer,
add the object to it,and
change its display properties to "by layer"
go to layer options and
change display to wireframe

for a .ms you'd need callbacks, and store/restore its original layer/display_property.

also try with x-ray(see through[alt+x])

Anubis's picture

do not panic

what about this...

oldSel = getCurrentSelection()
max select invert
max shade selected
select oldSel

my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)

slimatron's picture

[cries to self] dammit, wish

[cries to self]
dammit, wish I was using maya instead!!

the only solution seems to be to get a job with Autodesk and to nag the coders to change the software

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