extrude modifier

rollout teste "Modificador de extrude"
groupBox grpalt "MODIFICAR ALTURA" pos:[10,7] width:188 height:120

spinner splineToFollow "extrude: " pos:[29,35] width:150 height:16 range:[0.1,10,1.1] type:#float

button btnext "Alterar extrude" pos:[41,76] width:122 height:20

on btnext pressed do
MyEditPolyObj.extrudeAlongSplineNode = $splineToFollow
MyEditPolyObj.extrudeAlongSplineAlign = off
MyEditPolyObj.extrudeAlongSplineTaper = -0.5
select MyEditPolyObj
MyEditPolyObj.EditablePoly.ExtrudeAlongSpline ()



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miauu's picture


Is there a question?
The script you posted will not works, because MyEditPolyObj is not defined.

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