Filename String with include ""

This might be a relatively easy question, but I am stumped. I am trying to reference a .ms of functions into another script, which runs the functions.

I am using the include "filename_string" and I am having some difficulty.

I can get this to work:

include "C:\Users\(hardcodeusernamehere)\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2012 - 64bit\enu\scripts\Custom\"

but not this:

include (("C:\\Users\\" + sysInfo.username + "\\AppData\\Local\\Autodesk\\3dsMax\\2012 - 64bit\\enu\\scripts") + "\\Custom\\" + "")

i can get this to work (prints right value):

thepath = (("C:\\Users\\" + sysInfo.username + "\\AppData\\Local\\Autodesk\\3dsMax\\2012 - 64bit\\enu\\scripts\\Custom\\") as string)
print (thepath as string)

but not this:

thepath = (("C:\\Users\\" + sysInfo.username + "\\AppData\\Local\\Autodesk\\3dsMax\\2012 - 64bit\\enu\\scripts\\Custom\\") as string)
include (thepath as string)

Any Ideas? Thanks!


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Kstudio's picture

Use sysinfo.currentdir

sysinfo.currentdir = getDir #userScripts + @"\TrackScripts\")
include ""
jos's picture

path = getDir #userscripts +

path = getDir #userscripts + "\"
include path

this works fine for me..

getDir #userscripts
"C:\Users\Jos\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2012 - 64bit\enu\scripts"

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