font shape font change

i have many font shape
that font name is arial font

i would like to change all current shape font to other font

can you give me tip?


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barigazy's picture


try this

try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "Set Selection Font"
	label lbl "Font:                                           Size:" pos:[5,5] 
	edittext et_font "" height:17 fieldwidth:150 pos:[0,20] text:"Arial"
	spinner spn "" fieldwidth:50 pos:[155,21] range:[0.1,1e5,100]
	button btn "set" width:30 pos:[220,20] height:18
	on btn pressed do if selection.count > 0 do
		with redraw off for t in selection where isKindOf t text do 
			if et_font.text != "" do t.font = et_font.text ; t.size = spn.value
createDialog bgaRoll 255 40 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)


dussla's picture

really really thank you

always really really thank you

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