to get full path in listbox

this is good scripter source .
that is directory list box script.

when i select list box item ,i would like to know full path name .

first of all , pls make directory in c

c:temp - a - aa
- b - bb
- c - cc
- d - dd

materialib_path = "c:\\temp\\"
paths_array = #()
paths_array_list = #()
current_files = #()
bitmap_count = #()
fn matlist a b = ()
fn get_info = ()
fn build_paths path count =
	count = count + 1
	append paths_array path 
	append paths_array_list count
	dir_array = GetDirectories (path  + "*")
	if dir_array.count > 0 then
		for i = 1 to dir_array.count do
			build_paths dir_array[i] count
	return paths_array
fn makeoffsets li =
	list = deepcopy li
	for i = 1 to list.count do
		ins = ""
		level = 1
		while level < paths_array_list[i] do
			level = level + 1
			ins = ins + "     "
		list[i] = ins + list[i]
	return list
fn format_list list =
	r = deepcopy  list
	if r.count != 0 then
		for i = 1 to r.count do
			l = r[i]
			res = filterString l "\\"
			r[i] = res[(res.count)]
	return r
fn format_extensions list = 
	r = deepcopy list
	for i = 1 to r.count do
		r[i] = (filterString r[i] ".")[1]
	return r

rollout materialib_rollout "111_materiaLIB v0.2" width:300 height:910
	listbox lbx1 "categories:" pos:[2,24] width:160 height:55 items:#("ddd", "eee")
	on materialib_rollout open do 
		matlist 1 materialib_rollout
		paths_array = #()
		build_paths materialib_path 0
		lbx1.items =  makeoffsets (format_list paths_array)
	on lbx1 selected sel do
		matlist sel materialib_rollout
		paths_array = #()
		ssss = #()
		build_paths materialib_path 0
		lbx1.items =  makeoffsets (format_list paths_array)
	on lbx1 doubleClicked sel do
on lbx2 selected sel do
on lbx2 doubleClicked sel do
fn matlist sel materialib_rollout =
fn get_file_count file =
fn get_info sel materialib_rollout =
createdialog materialib_rollout style:#(#style_minimizebox, #style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu)


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miauu's picture


I doubt that someone will check your code. Use

"["code"]" "["/code"]"

without the quotes and paste the cede between the tags so it can be readalbel.

You can solve your problem this way:
- create one array that contains the name of the folders(as in your example - "temp")
- create another array that contains the full paths to the folders.
pathsArr = #("temp", "matLib_01", "matLib_02")
fullPathsArr = #("c:\temp", "C:\myFolder\matLib_01","D:\matLib_02")

pathsArr will be shown in the listbox. When you select an item in the listbox somewere in the UI will be displayed the approriate path from the fullPathsArr. So:
the first item is selected - show the first element from the fullPathsArr
the 7-th item is selected - show the 7-th element from the fullPathsArr

Listbox and multilistbox can't shows tooltips, so you have to use another way to show the full path(show it in the label or in the edittext control).

dussla's picture

that folder is random

i can't array
because i will use random folder , i can;t array

folder tree is very complex
so i can't make always

example )
there is root folder - sub folder (20 pers) - sub folder (20 pers).....

i can't make array manualy

can i make automatic array about a certain folder ?
sorry my poor english

miauu's picture


See what the FORMAT will prints in the listener and try to udenrstand what I had suggest you in my previous post.
There is no need to create the arrays manualy. The script will create them for you.

The solution:

materialib_path = "D:\\"
paths_array = #()
paths_array_list = #()
current_files = #()
bitmap_count = #()
fn matlist a b = ()
fn get_info = ()
fn build_paths path count =
	count = count + 1
	append paths_array path 
	append paths_array_list count
	dir_array = GetDirectories (path  + "*")
	if dir_array.count > 0 then
		for i = 1 to dir_array.count do
			build_paths dir_array[i] count
	return paths_array
fn makeoffsets li =
	list = deepcopy li
	for i = 1 to list.count do
		ins = ""
		level = 1
		while level < paths_array_list[i] do
			level = level + 1
			ins = ins + "     "
		list[i] = ins + list[i]
	return list
fn format_list list =
	r = deepcopy  list
	if r.count != 0 then
		for i = 1 to r.count do
			l = r[i]
			res = filterString l "\\"
			r[i] = res[(res.count)]
	return r
fn format_extensions list = 
	r = deepcopy list
	for i = 1 to r.count do
		r[i] = (filterString r[i] ".")[1]
	return r

rollout materialib_rollout "111_materiaLIB v0.2" width:300 height:910
	edittext et_showFullPath "" text:"" 
	listbox lbx1 "categories:" pos:[2,24] width:160 height:55 items:#("ddd", "eee")
	on materialib_rollout open do 
		matlist 1 materialib_rollout
		paths_array = #()
		build_paths materialib_path 0
		format ": % \n" paths_array
		format ": % \n" (format_list paths_array)
		format ": % \n" (makeoffsets (format_list paths_array))
		lbx1.items =  makeoffsets (format_list paths_array) 
	on lbx1 selected sel do
		et_showFullPath.text = paths_array[sel]
	on lbx1 doubleClicked sel do
	on lbx2 selected sel do
	on lbx2 doubleClicked sel do
fn matlist sel materialib_rollout =
fn get_file_count file =
fn get_info sel materialib_rollout =
createdialog materialib_rollout style:#(#style_minimizebox, #style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu)
dussla's picture

really really really thank you , one more questio n

really thank you

can i ask question more ?

if i put file list in listbox


i put list box item
with using getFiles (paths_array[sel]+"*.*")

after that
when i select item , how can i item extension ?
what item's file extention is ms or jpg or bmp .....

can you understand ?

miauu's picture


IF you use the same code then add another editText control and when you click on an item in the listbox this will show the file type(extension) in the textbox.

et_fileType.text = getFilenameType paths_array[sel]
dussla's picture

sorry many ask , there is ask also

sorry my many ask
i tried many time , but my skill is not good

current_files = getFiles (paths_array[sel]+"*.max|*.jpg")

why does that work ?


about tree structre

there is directory


i would like to show 2 level tree only in listbox

example) list box showing


it is tree level skill
can you understand my word ?
sorry many ask again ~

miauu's picture


Because getFiles can have only one file extension as parameter.
You have to use:

getFiles (paths_array[sel]+"*.max")


getFiles (paths_array[sel]+"*.jpg")


getFiles (paths_array[sel]+"*.*")

and then separating the files by their extension.

dussla's picture

really thank you

really really really sorry
can i ask again

list box 1 can key arrow down up

list box2 can;t not that

can i get reason ?

miauu's picture


Post the code.

dussla's picture

that solved

work is good
because of function error , that did not work
now work well
really really thank you

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