Groups of faces inbetween hard edges.

This image explains best what I want:

The one with the edges is all the hard edges of the object(which can be obtained using a script like this).
The three face selections are what I want.
What I need is a way to get each "group" of face surrounded by hard edges, ideally in a array, each element of the array containing each hard edge group of faces, example:


(that is the 2 first groups of hard edge face groups in the example box)

Any help or idea would be appreciated :)


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barigazy's picture

This is the one way

	fn findHardEdges obj minAng:60 maxAng:120 weldThresh:0.01 = if isKindOf obj Editable_Poly do
		local edgelist = #{}, polyGroups = #(), edgeCnt = polyop.getNumEdges obj
		local gef = polyOp.getEdgeFaces, gfn = polyop.getFaceNormal ; geuf = polyop.getElementsUsingFace
		fn edgeFacesAngle dir1 dir2 = (acos (dot (normalize dir2) (normalize dir1)))
		for ed in 1 to edgeCnt where (gef obj ed).count == 2 do
			facesArr = (gef obj ed) ; theAngle = edgeFacesAngle (gfn obj facesArr[1]) (gfn obj facesArr[2])
			if theAngle >= minAng and theAngle <= maxAng do append edgelist ed
		if edgelist.numberSet != 0 do
			polyop.splitEdges obj edgelist ; obj.weldThreshold = weldThresh
			local faces = obj.faces as bitarray ; vertlist = polyop.getVertsUsingEdge obj (polyop.getOpenEdges obj)
			while (f = (faces as array)[1]) != undefined do (elem = geuf obj f ; append polyGroups elem ; faces -= elem)
			polyop.weldVertsByThreshold obj vertlist
		) ; polyGroups


brttd's picture

Never would have thought of

Never would have thought of using split edge, it works really well, thanks :)
What Im going to be using it for probably would work better with the edges being split, so thanks :)

barigazy's picture


My pleasure.
The other way will be much longer, if there other way :)


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