retrieving original path of missing bitmap

mat = $.mat
for prop in (getPropNames mat) do 
	if (superclassof (getProperty mat prop)) == texturemap do 
		tex = (getProperty mat prop)
		for item in (getPropNames tex) do 
			if item == #filename do
				print (getProperty tex item)

Running this code, I can get a list of bitmap files used for the selected object.
But how can I get their paths, also if them are missing?



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barigazy's picture


Look at my last post on this thread
With this recursive fn you can collect all maps, and then just check filepaths using "doesFileExist " ei replace commented line with this

for i in mapsArr where not doesFileExist i.filename do print i.filename


David_Lee's picture

seems not work here...

Thanks for your help barigazy, but it returns only the filename, not his original path :(

barigazy's picture


You can't find original path with mxs.


David_Lee's picture

another reason to hate Max...

another reason to hate Max... -.-'

barigazy's picture


I not know how other 3D package solve this problem, but max is very limited


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