how read TXT in editText

hi, I try show txt file in editText and it is not works.
I try this:

rollout test "test"

fn readTXT editTextShow =
local inFolder = getOpenFileName type:"notepad (*.txt)| *.txt "
local inFile = openFile inFolder
editTextShow = inFile

button testbutton "open"
editText editTextShowBox ""
on testbutton pressed do readTXT editTextShowBox.text



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how read TXT in editText

hey jmpinero, you should have something like this..
code speaks for itself.

fn readTXT fileName=()

rollout test "test"

button testbutton "open"
editText editTextShowBox ""
on testbutton pressed do
local inFolder =""
inFolder = getOpenFileName type:"notepad (*.txt)| *.txt "
editTextShowBox.text = readTXT inFolder
createDialog test

fn readTXT fileName =
local inFile = openFile fileName

if inFile != undefined do
inText = readLine inFile
close inFile
messagebox( inText as string)
return (inText as string)

jmpinero's picture


thanks for your reply

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