How to rotate the all models in FBX to match its orientation in Navisworks Manage

Hi, I got a model in Navisworks Manage with the correct XYZ orientation. Here is the screenshot. navisworks-correct

Then I export that model to FBX in Navisworks Manage, do some FBX processing then go to 3ds Max to fix the YZ orientation. When I load the processed FBX model in 3dS Max, the YZ orientation is not correct. Here is the screenshot. 3ds-max-before

I have to manually rotate the model as shown in the video here: In the video there, I select all the objects, then rotate on its own by 180 degree at Z axis. What is the correct script to do the same rotation action shown in the video above? I have tried the following codes below, but they do not work as expected:

allObjects = $* <br>rot_box = eulerangles 0 0 180 <br>rotate allObjects rot_box

Could anyone advise me what is the correct script to fix the rotation above? Thank you


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miauu's picture


Select the objects that you have to rotate and exectue this:

	selObjsArr = selection as array
	for o in selObjsArr do
		rotate o (angleaxis 180 [0,0,1])

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