I want to change the messageBox behaviour in my script


I have a script that looks like this:

macroScript AutoBackToggle
	toolTip:"AutoBackup Toggle"
	on isChecked do (autoBackup.enabled)
	on execute do 
	if autoBackup.enabled == true then 
		autoBackup.enabled = false 
		/*print (autoBackup.enabled)*/
		messageBox "Autobackup disabled." title:"Autobackup State" beep:false
		autoBackup.enabled = true
		/*print (autoBackup.enabled)*/
		messageBox "Autobackup enabled." title:"Autobackup State" beep:false

The messageBox command will lock the user, forcing one to press OK before continuing.
How do I change the popup to be a regular information popup that doesn't "lock" the viewport?


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Haider of Sweden's picture


I noticed some strange behaviours

- the rollout shows up upon Max startup, before I have pressed the button.
- rollout reappears even though I close it

Kind regards

barigazy's picture


But if you looking better solution then try this


Haider of Sweden's picture


@But if you looking better solution then try this
I emailed you last time because I had some problems. It still doesnt work with me. Will look into it again and return to you with complete report on what happens.

Thanks for the fix
Could you please add so that if I dont close the popup, but press the button again, it kills the popup and recreats it, showing the right message?

Kind regards

barigazy's picture


Try with this

-- change this line
on isChecked do (msgRollPopup() ; autoBackup.enabled)


Haider of Sweden's picture


Almost done.
It needs to destroy the previous popup too :)

Kind regards

barigazy's picture


I wrote this on the phone. I can't test it

-- next cahnge this
global msgRollPopup,msgRoll


barigazy's picture


BTW you need to learn mxs very quick. Read mxs help document.
You have too meny questions :)


Haider of Sweden's picture


@BTW you need to learn mxs very quick. Read mxs help document.
You have too meny questions :)

You're so right. I am trying to catch up learning. Until then, I am at your mercy ;)
I made these changes to make it work:

global msgRollPopup,bgaRoll
try(destroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
createDialog bgaRoll 150 26 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)

Kind regards

barigazy's picture


It was you :)
I don't know what is the problem, really.


Haider of Sweden's picture


It was you :)
I don't know what is the problem, really.

Hehe, yep :)
We'll check it later again.

Could you please add so that if I dont close the popup (red x), but press the toolbar-button again, it kills the old popup and recreats it, showing the right message?

Kind regards

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