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loading a set of uvs to unwrap uvw modifier via maxscript
Submitted by ARTillery on Sun, 2010-02-28 03:02
can it be done? and how? :)
I checked the help file and it describes the command as pressing the button, I want to provide the script with the path to my uv set and let it load it into my objects.
Read all posts and specially about windows callbacks (UIAccessor function) that have some limitations and complications, of course. If however decide to use this way and find some difficulties, may I will try to help you.
I took a quick look into
I took a quick look into it..waay too advanced for me :)
I'll try with it though see if I can understand it.
thanks for the link.
Yes, there is the
Yes, there is the thread:
Read all posts and specially about windows callbacks (UIAccessor function) that have some limitations and complications, of course. If however decide to use this way and find some difficulties, may I will try to help you.
my recent MAXScripts RSS (archive here)
I remember somewhere into the
I remember somewhere into the Atodesc forums was a topic about this... Its too hard matter for me to understand it. Just take a look out there.