logarithmic exposure control syntex for scripting?

I've run into some issues. 3Dsmax9, 2012, 2014

Working out defaults for; AdvLighting_Radiosity
I am unable to find the find syntax for:

log_exposure.brightness = 50.0
log_exposure.contrast = 60.0

I am unable to find the current information for logarithmic exposure control lighting??

As I get -- Unknown property: "brightness" in undefined <<?
I gather i'd get the same kind of error for contrast?

Also a way for automatically set smoothing to get ride of wrongly prelighted triangles that show up badly in models?

	--Function using advanced rodiosity rendering
	on ambOcclusion pressed do (
		macros.run "Render" "AdvLighting_Radiosity"
		SceneRadiosity.radiosity.rmReuseDirectIllumination = on
		SceneRadiosity.radiosity.radFiltering = 2
		-- animatable; percentage; Brightness
		log_exposure.brightness = 50.0
		-- animatable; percentage 
		log_exposure.contrast = 60.0
		SceneExposureControl.exposurecontrol = automatic_exposure_control()
		SceneExposureControl.exposurecontrol.physicalscale = 800
		SceneExposureControl.exposurecontrol.exposurevalue = 0.1 


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X-Seti's picture

Going to try this out,

Going to try this out, thankyou!


barigazy's picture


Assigne radiosity and show properties

	if not iskindOf sceneradiosity.radiosity Radiosity do sceneradiosity.radiosity = Discreet_Radiosity()
	sr = sceneradiosity.radiosity
	show sr

Also you can set some parameters before assign radiosity

	if not iskindOf sceneradiosity.radiosity Radiosity do 
		dr = Discreet_Radiosity radInitialQuality:100 includeSkylight:on meshingEnabled:on
		sceneradiosity.radiosity = dr
	        dr.contrastThreshold = 50

Assigne Logarithmic Exposure Control and show properties

	if sceneExposureControl.exposureControl == undefined do sceneExposureControl.exposureControl = Logarithmic_Exposure_Control()
	lec = sceneExposureControl.exposureControl
	show lec

Same applys for exposure Control

	if sceneExposureControl.exposureControl == undefined do 
		lec = Logarithmic_Exposure_Control brightness:50 contrast:60 daylight:on
		sceneExposureControl.exposureControl = lec
		lec.useLegacyAlgorithm = off


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