logarithmic exposure control syntex for scripting?
I've run into some issues. 3Dsmax9, 2012, 2014
Working out defaults for; AdvLighting_Radiosity
I am unable to find the find syntax for:
log_exposure.brightness = 50.0
log_exposure.contrast = 60.0
I am unable to find the current information for logarithmic exposure control lighting??
As I get -- Unknown property: "brightness" in undefined <<?
I gather i'd get the same kind of error for contrast?
Also a way for automatically set smoothing to get ride of wrongly prelighted triangles that show up badly in models?
--Function using advanced rodiosity rendering on ambOcclusion pressed do ( macros.run "Render" "AdvLighting_Radiosity" SceneRadiosity.radiosity.rmReuseDirectIllumination = on SceneRadiosity.radiosity.radFiltering = 2 -- animatable; percentage; Brightness log_exposure.brightness = 50.0 -- animatable; percentage log_exposure.contrast = 60.0 SceneExposureControl.exposurecontrol = automatic_exposure_control() SceneExposureControl.exposurecontrol.physicalscale = 800 SceneExposureControl.exposurecontrol.exposurevalue = 0.1 SceneRadiosity.radiosity.Start() )
Going to try this out,
Going to try this out, thankyou!
Assigne radiosity and show properties
Also you can set some parameters before assign radiosity
Assigne Logarithmic Exposure Control and show properties
Same applys for exposure Control