

Is there a way in MAXScript to use a MatchEvaluator which can be a parameter of the dotnet method Replace (from a dotnetobject/dotnetclass "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex")?


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BodyulCG's picture

fn gsub string pattern

fn gsub string pattern evaluator =
    global __RegexMatch
    if __RegexMatch == undefined then 
        __RegexMatch = (dotnetclass "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex").Match;
    local match = __RegexMatch string pattern
    local result
    local pos = 1
    if match.Success then
        local stream = stringstream ""
        while match.Success do
            append stream (substring string pos (match.Index + 1 - pos))
            append stream (evaluator match)
            pos = match.Index + match.Length + 1
            match = match.NextMatch()
        if pos < string.count then
            append stream (substring string pos -1);
        result = stream as ::string
        free stream
    else result = copy string
    return result
-- Finding and replacing integer decimal numbers with hexadecimal
fn eval match =
    return "0x" + bit.intAsHex (match.Value as integer);
gsub "5 a 200 b 500 c" @"\d+" eval
-- 0x5 a 0xc8 b 0x1f4 c

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