Material auto creation

I am rather new to to maxScrip and I am looking to create an auto filling tool for the slate editor that will match maps to slots.The aim is that the user selects a file, that was used as a substance map output then the program looking at the created maps suffix pulls each in turn to the correct slot on the standard material.

I have a few of these elements already, I have the file dialog, an extracted file name the ability to match a texture from file to an existing material but what would be ideal is if, when pressing the button a new material appears in the slate editor with its node to the corresponding textures


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jahman's picture


if SME.IsOpen() do (
	mtl = standardmaterial()
	filenamePrefix = "sometexfile_"
	filenameExt = ".jpg"
	mtlProps = #(#( #bumpmap, "bmp" ), #( #diffusemap, "diff" ), #( #displacementmap, "disp" ))
	for prop in mtlProps do (
		filename = filenamePrefix + prop[2] + filenameExt
		tex = bitmaptexture filename:filename
		setProperty mtl prop[1] tex
	(sme.GetView sme.activeView).createNode mtl [0,0]

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