Move multiple selected objects by mouse position.

Hi, This script (without the group code) works for a single selected object. I like it to work the same way with multiple objects. The way underneath doesn’t. I’d like some corrections if possible. Thank you

group selection name:"tempgroup"

tool objectPlacer numPoints:1
on freeMove do $tempgroup.pos = [gridPoint.x, gridPoint.y, $tempgroup.pos.z]
if selection.count == 1 do startTool objectPlacer

ungroup $tempgroup


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jahman's picture


you can do it without grouping

	tool selectionMover numPoints:1
		local lastoffset
		local prevCenter =
		on freeMove do
			if lastoffset != undefined do -= lastoffset
			offset = (gridPoint - prevCenter) * [1,1,0] += offset
			lastoffset = offset
	if selection.count != 0 do startTool selectionMover
remykonings's picture


Thank you Jahman, I appreciate it :)

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