Objects divider. Advice needed


I need to divide max-file into multiple files by names of objects and groups. Script works fine with objects, but not with groups, it operates with group contents and saves each sub-object separately. I whant to save groupped objects into one file with name of group.

if (selection.count > 0) do(
	for obj in selection do (
		CenterPivot obj 
		obj.pivot.z = obj.min.z
		obj.pos = [0, 0, 0]
		nameofmaxfile = maxFilePath + obj.name + ".max"		
		savenodes obj (nameofmaxfile)	


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miauu's picture


Try this:

	function IsGroupHeadMember head node act:off = 
		while isvalidnode node and isgroupmember node and not (act = (node.parent == head)) do node = node.parent
	function GetAllGroupMembers head = if isGroupHead head do
		for node in (join #() head) where IsGroupHeadMember head node collect node
	function FindTopMostGroupHead obj = 
		if isGroupMember obj then
			while obj != undefined and (not isGroupHead obj or isGroupMember obj) do
				(obj = obj.parent)			
	if selection.count != 0 do
		selObjsArr = selection as array
		rootObjsArr = #()
		for o in selObjsArr do
			appendIfUnique rootObjsArr (FindTopMostGroupHead o)
		if rootObjsArr.count != 0 do
			for obj in rootObjsArr do 
				objToSave = if isGroupHead obj then (GetAllGroupMembers obj) else obj
				CenterPivot obj 
				obj.pivot.z = obj.min.z 
				obj.pos = [0, 0, 0] 
				nameOfMaxFile = maxFilePath + obj.name + ".max"		 
				saveNodes objToSave (nameOfMaxFile)	
mpashnin's picture

Thank you so much! It works

Thank you so much! It works as i whant!

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