Multi Material HELP!!!!
Hello one and all,
I am having difficulty with a script that I have written, its supposed to update all the multimaterials sub materials in a scene with materials in a material library. The script works well but fails if a multi material has an empty slot. If any one can help me by getting maxscript to ignore empty slots of a multi material I would be extactic! I cant find anything in the maxscript help files that could possibly do the job!
(Ideally I would like this script to update all of the scenematerials that are either single e.g VrayMtl or sub materials of a multimaterial.)
Script below:
macroScript Fix_Multi_Mat_From_Lib category: "My_Scripts"
multiMats = #()
theLibMats = #()
for i = 1 to sceneMaterials.count do -------------------find all the multimats and store them in array
if classOf scenematerials[i] == Multimaterial then append multiMats scenematerials[i]
FileOpenMatLib() ----choose a material library and make current
for n = 1 to multiMats.count do ---- count the number of multimaterials in the scene
for j = 1 to multiMats[n].numsubs do ---- grab a multimaterial and interate through the sub materials
for k = 1 to currentMaterialLibrary.count do --- iterate through the current material library
if currentMaterialLibrary[k].name == multiMats[n].material[j].name then multiMats[n].material[j] = currentMaterialLibrary[k]
print multiMats[n].numsubs
print multiMats[n].name
Fixed it! if
Fixed it!
if multiMats[n].material != undefined ......