understanding maxscript help page convention

Hello world !
I'm looking for some help regarding a small sript i'm writting.
First one ever lol

so I was looking at the autodesk help page and I was able to figure out some stuff but I'm now stuck.
Igot this line and I don't know how to translate it:

<void><Unwrap_UVW>.FlattenBySmoothingGroup <boolean>rescale <boolean>rotate <float>padding

So I started to wrote
$.Unwrap_UVW.FlattenBySmoothingGroup ....

and then I don't know what is rescale and stuff

can you help me ?


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miauu's picture


rescale - clusters or not
rotate - clusters or not

$.Unwrap_UVW.FlattenBySmoothingGroup false false 0.0

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