Null chamfer

Hi! This is my first maxscript. It helps to making high-polygonal looks chamfer, but mesh stay pretty low-polygonal:

	convertToMesh $
	meshop.chamferEdges $ $.selectedEdges 0
	meshop.chamferEdges $ $.selectedEdges 0.3
	meshop.weldVertsByThreshold $ $.verts 0.001
	meshop.autoSmooth $ #{1..$.numfaces} 360
	ConvertTo $ Editable_Poly
	update $

When I making high-polygonal models I often use this method of creating chamfers to save my polycont. So I decided to write script for this.
As I sad this is my first maxscript and I not sure if it optimised enough. Will appreciate for any crits and comments.


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5k's picture

In 3ds max go to "MAXScript

In 3ds max go to "MAXScript -> New script", paste this code:

macroScript nullChamfer
	convertToMesh $
	meshop.chamferEdges $ $.selectedEdges 0
	meshop.chamferEdges $ $.selectedEdges 0.05
	meshop.weldVertsByThreshold $ $.verts 0.001
	meshop.autoSmooth $ #{1..$.numfaces} 360
	ConvertTo $ Editable_Poly
	update $

press "Ctr+E" to evaluate script.
Then go to "Customize -> Customize User Interface" and find "DragAndDrop" in Category list for assign hotkey. After this select the edges and press your hotkey.

notapix's picture

not download?

I do not know how to work with scripts.
please, how I install your script in 3ds max?

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