perpendicular from vertex to line, to plane?

Who can help -
I have three vertexes. How can find perpendicular from one vertex to line of two other?
If I have for vertexes. How find perpendicular from vertex to plane of three other vertexes?

Thank You


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miauu's picture


Do not miss this:

	p01 = point pos:[0,0,0]
	p02 = point pos:[100,100,100]
	p03 = point pos:[50,70,90]
	function PointLineProjection pA pB pC = 
		local vAB = pB - pA
		local vAC = pC - pA
		local d = dot (normalize vAB) (normalize vAC)
		(pA + ( vAB * ( d * ( length vAC / length vAB) ) ) )
	pos = PointLineProjection p01.pos p02.pos p03.pos
	point pos:pos
	p01 = point pos:[0,0,0]
	p02 = point pos:[100,0,0]
	p03 = point pos:[0,100,0]
	p04 = point pos:[50,70,90]
	fn pointPlaneProj pA pB pC pD =
		<DOC> Find the projection of a point onto a plane.
			<point3> pA:				Point on the plane.
			<point3> pB:				Point on the plane.
			<point3> pC:				Point on the plane.
			<point3> pD:				Point to project on the plane.
			<point3>	Projected point.
		local nABC = normalize (cross (pB - pA) (pC - pA))
		pD + ((dot (pA - pD) nABC) * nABC)
	pos = pointPlaneProj p01.pos p02.pos p03.pos p04.pos
	point pos:pos
Aleksey Kidisyuk's picture

Thank You

Thank You!


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